Vision and Values

Our Vision
JFS is an inclusive, modern orthodox Jewish school that strives to achieve the highest standards of academic excellence for all its students to the best of their abilities, in a safe and nurturing environment, who will be responsible British citizens, proud Jews, and contributing members of modern British society.
Our Ideals
To be committed to Jewish life, inspired by Jewish learning and proficient in Jewish practice.
To be proud and knowledgeable about Jewish culture, history, identity and community, with a love of the State of Israel and learning Hebrew as part of Jewish Heritage.
To be dedicated to the pursuit of outstanding, inclusive and ambitious academic education, through a broad and balanced curriculum, inspirational teaching and extra-curricular opportunities, enabling independent learning where every student can achieve their potential in their chosen path.
To be self-motivated and determined, recognising that these are essential elements of success.
To recognise the importance of positive wellbeing in building resilience, personal growth and building strong relationships.
To be kind, confident, accepting of others and contributing members of our school community as well as loyal British citizens, upholding the fundamental values of British society.
Our Jewish Ethos
JFS’s foundation body is the United Synagogue, and its religious authority is the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. JFS will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of modern Torah Judaism in line with the Office of the Chief Rabbi. JFS will strive to connect our Jewish students to vibrant, modern orthodox Jewish life and Torah values, and with the United Synagogue’s core values.
JFS aims to enrich the lives of all its students through the sharing of core Jewish values, which are universal and are appropriate for those of all religions and none. JFS encourages all its students to engage actively in lifelong learning, social and environmental action and consider their responsibilities as future British citizens in order to serve their communities. All students are taught to be knowledgeable and respectful of the beliefs, customs, and practices of others.
JFS’s Jewish studies teaching and learning aims to inspire its students and provides opportunities to engage actively with Jewish texts, to experience and participate in Jewish practice, and to connect with God through tefillah (prayer) and mitzvot (commandments and good deeds). JFS teaches Ivrit, not only as a modern foreign language, but also as a vehicle linking Jewish heritage and practice to Israel.
Our Prayer
Sovereign of the universe
Ha-conen l-adam da’at
U-melamed le-enosh binah:
You who grace humanity with knowledge
And grant understanding to mankind:
Send your blessing to this school, JFS,
Its pupils, staff, and all who are part of its community,
So that they may learn, teach and work together in fellowship,
Meditating on your Torah and living faithfully by its teachings.
Grant them a spirit of wisdom and understanding
So that they may grow to be a blessing to those whose lives they touch,
Strong in their attachment to Judaism, the Jewish people and to Israel,
Reflective in thought,
Gracious in speech,
And caring and responsible in action,
Bringing glory to your name
And honour to the Torah by whose light we live.
May all who study here
Find and develop their special gifts
So that each may write their chapter
In the story of our people
And the collective endeavour of mankind.
Put into their hearts
The desire to understand and discern,
Learn and teach,
Observe, do and fulfil with love
The teachings of your Torah
So that the words of the prophet may be fulfilled:
“And all your children shall be taught of the Lord
And great shall be the peace of your children.”
Vechen yehi ratzon,
May this be your will, and let us say:
Composed for JFS by the Chief Rabbi Professor Jonathan Sacks and recited by him at the opening of JFS in Kenton on the 14th October 2002